Minggu, 03 Juni 2012


Nama          : Febriyanti
kelas/Npm   : 4EA03/10208497
Tugas3 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis2
Dosen          ; Nevy Forika

1.      While she was trying to read, her friend was practicing the piano.
2.      He has been buying several jerseys in the last two years.
3.      She will bone the meat later.
4.      By the time you get there they already left.
5.      I was drowwing. Nobody saved me.
6.      He said she that she had not returned the book yet.
7.      What are you darning at the moment.
8.      She thinks her husband will buy a new fridge.
9.      How much have you spent in Londonso far ?
10.  In a month’s time I learned more words than ever.
11.  After he saw the giraffe he spoke to the keeper.
12.  The was buying weed-killer when they arrested him
13.  The plumbing always gives trouble during the summer.
14.  The trend was rising when they reached the lake.
15.  Do you recognize this statue ?
16.  They say that they will not perform tomorrow.
17.  What have you been doing since your last recital ?
18.  As it rained he put up his umbrella.
19.  They heard Beethoven better conducted earlier in the year.
20.  What is going  on here ?
21.  I only have just realized what she meant.
22.  I will never plant crocuses again.
23.  Were you enjoying yourself when I saw you at the party ?
24.  I will be to the zoo and going while they are still talking about visiting it.
25.  She doched at Tilbury last week.
26.  He always accelerates too quickly.
27.  Do you hear  that awful noise ?
28.  By the time the bridgade arrived, the house collapsed.
29.  I saw a new type of windscreen wiper while I was walking round the exhibition yesterday.
30.  They have been waiting to take off since ten this morning.
31.  She shot at least three tigers in India last year.
32.  We saw what we have seen.
33.  He heard an owl hooting as he walked through the wood.
34.  They have been producing a hundred shirts every day for two months now.
35.  Where were you going when I bumped into you ?
36.  Who told the grasshopper to dance? The ant in the fable did .
37.  They were high heels every day last term.
38.  What do you with a gun in your car ?
39.  He still doesn’t find his watch.
40.  I have lived there several years before I found the nest.
41.  When it sting him ?
42.  She likes cockles. Naturally she prefer lobster.
43.  Dragon flies have beautiful wings.
44.  Time and tide wait for no man, the saying run.
45.  I bought some new pruners the other day.
46.  The girl in the pay box seldom smiles nowadays.
47.  The moment he opened the boot the spare wheel fell out.
48.  Too many cooks spoiled the broth.
49.  He left Italy by plane yesterday.

Senin, 09 April 2012

Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis2 (exercise4,exercise10 and exercise11)

Nama : Febriyanti
kelas : 4EA03
NPM : 10208497
Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Exercise 4

  1. Jason’s father bought him a bycycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
  2. The statue of liberty was a gift of friendship from France to United States.
  3. Rita is studying English math this semester.
  4. The judge ask a witness to tell the truth.
  5. Please give me a cup of coffee with cream and sugar.
  6. The big books on the table are for my history class.
  7. No one the Spanish class knew the correct to Mrs.Perez’s question.
  8. My car is four years old and it still runs well.
  9. When you go to the store, please buy a bottle of chocolate milk and a dozen oranges.
  10. There are only a few seats left for an tonight’s musical at university.
  11. John and Marcy went to school yesterday and then studied in the library before returning home.
  12. The Lake Eric is one of the five Great Lakes in North America.
  13. On our trip to Spain, we crossed the Atlantic Ocean.
  14. The Mounth Rushmore is the site of magnificient tribute to the four great America presidents.
  15. What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
  16. Louie played basketball and baseball at the Boy’s Club this year.
  17. Rita plays a violin and her sister plays a guitar.
  18. While we were in Alaska, we saw an Eskimo village.
  19. Phil cant go to the movies tonight because he has to write an essay.
  20. David attented the Princeton University.
  21. Harry has been admitted to the School of Medicine at Midwestern university.
  22. Mel’s grandmother is in the hospital, so we went to write an last night.
  23. The political science class is taking trip to Soviet Union in spring.
  24. The Queen Elizabeth II is a monarch of the Great Britain.
  25. The Declaration of Independent was drawn up in 1776.
  26. Scientists hope to send an expedition to the Mars during 1980s.
  27. Last night there was a bird singing outside my house.
  28. The chair that you are siting in is broken.
  29. The Civil War was fougth in the United States between 1861 and 1865.
  30. The Florida State University is smaller than the University of Florida.

Exercise 10

  1. John, along with twenty friend, is planning a party.
  2. The picture of the soldiers brings back many memories.
  3. The quality of these recordings are not very good.
  4. If the duties of these officers aren’t reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the project.
  5. The effects of cigarette smoking have been proven to be extremely harmful.
  6. The use credit cards in place of cash has increased rapidly in recect years.
  7. Advertisements on television are becoming more competitive than ever before.
  8. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, are at an all-time high.
  9. Mr.Jones, accompanied by several members of the committee, have proposed some changes of the rules.
  10. The levels of intoxication varies from subject to subject.

Exercise 11

  1. Neither Bill nor mary is going to the play tonight.
  2. Anything is better than going to another movie tonight.
  3. Skating is becoming more popular every day.
  4. A number of reporters were at the conference yesterday.
  5. Everybody who has a fever must go home immediately.
  6. Your glasses was on the bureau last night.
  7. There were some people at the meeting last night.
  8. The committee has already reached a decision.
  9. A pair of jeans was in the washing machine this morning.
  10. Each student has answered the first three questions.
  11. Either John or his wife makes breakfast each morning.
  12. After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything was in order.
  13. The crowd at the basketball game was wild with excitement.
  14. A pack of wild dogs has frightened all ducks away.
  15. The jury is trying to reach a decision.
  16. The army has eliminated this section of the training test.
  17. The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter is appalling.
  18. There have been too many interruption in this class.
  19. Every elementary school teacher has to take this examination.
  20. Neither Jill nor her parents have seen this movie before.

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

kumpulan kata kerja dan kata benda yang ada didalam magement,marketing,accounting,banking

Nama : Febriyanti
kelas : 4EA03
Npm : 10208497
Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1. Management

· Kata benda (noun)

1. Manajemen = management

2. Tim = team

3. Informasi = information

4. Kepemimpinan = leadership

5. Produksi = production

6. Pegawasan = supervision

7. Tujuan = goal

8. Staf = staff

9. Waktu = time

10. Penetapan staf =staffing

11. Fungsi = function

12. Tahap = phase

13. Kemajuan = progress

14. Ekonomi = economics

15. Modal = capital

16. Pendapatan = revenue

17. Organisasi = organization

18. Kerjasama = teamwork

19. Kerangka = framework

20. Peserta rapat = participants

· Kata kerja (verbs)

1. Membimbing = guide

2. Memproduksi = produce

3. Mengatur = set

4. Memeriksa = check

5. Menghubungkan = connect

6. Mengintruksi = instruct

7. Menganalisa = analyze

8. Mempertimbangkan = consider

9. Memotivasi = motivate

10. Mencapai =attain

11. Melanjutkan = move on

12. Menjadwalkan = schedule

13. Mengganti = replace

14. Menjelaskan = explain

15. Memilih = vote

16. Menjangkau = reach

17. Berusaha = attempt

18. Memproses = process

19. Kualitas = quality

20. Memimpin = lead

2. Marketing

· Kata benda (noun)

1. Pesaing = competitor

2. Pemasaran = marketing

3. Distribusi = distribution

4. Pilihan = option

5. Pengecer = retailer

6. Promosi = promotion

7. Harga = price

8. Tempat = place

9. Pedagang besar = wholesaler

10. Pedagang kecil = small traders

11. Sasaran = objective

12. Pemasok = supplier

13. Konsumen = costumer

14. Periklanan = advertising

15. Pemesanan = boocking

16. Agen penjual = selling agent

17. Pasar = market

18. Bauran pemasaran = target market

19. Peluncuran = launching

20. Produk utama = core product

· Kata kerja (verbs)

1. Menjawab = answer

2. Mengumpulkan = collect

3. Menyarankan = suggest

4. Menawarkan = offer

5. Menyebarkan = spread

6. Kepuasan = satisfaction

7. Mempengaruhi = affect

8. Menghitung = count

9. Menimbang = weigh

10. Meramalkan = forecasting

11. Menjual = selling

12. Membeli = buying

13. Menyediakan = supplai

14. Mengupah = alter

15. Perencanaan = planning

16. Pengorganisasian = organizing

17. Persepsi = perception

18. Mendengarkan = listen

19. Menggoda = tease

20. Memaksa = force

3. Accounting

· Kata benda (noun)

1. Persediaan = inventory

2. Ongkos = fee

3. Kekayaan = assets

4. Biaya = cost

5. Jurnal = jounal

6. Hutang = liability

7. Laporan neraca = balance sheet

8. Resiko = risk

9. Laporan keuangan = financial statement

10. Menjamin = insure

11. Pihak = party

12. Manajer = manager

13. Keagenan = agency

14. Tim = team

15. Pembatasan = restriction

16. Laporan laba rugi = income statement

17. Harapan = expectation

18. Interaksi = interaction

19. Audit = auditing

20. Kembali = return

· Kata kerja (verbs)

1. Menafsirkan = interprect

2. Menganalisa = analyze

3. Menghitung = count

4. Membandingkan = compare

5. Siklus = cycle

6. Memantau = monitor

7. Memungkinkan = allow

8. Menguras = maintain

9. Menyampaikan = communicate

10. Memperoleh = earn

11. Mencatat = note

12. Memeriksa = check

13. Meninjau = review

14. Mencari = search

15. Merumuskan = formulate

16. Menemukan = find

17. Mengamati = observs

18. Merincikan = detail

19. Melaporkan = report

20. Menilai = evaluate

4. Banking

· Kata benda (noun)

1. Kasir = teller

2. Kekayaan = assets

3. Gedung = building

4. Pengawas = supervisor

5. Mata uang = currency

6. Tabungan = saving deposit

7. Pinjaman tunai = cash loan

8. Bunga = interest

9. Simpanan giro = demand deposit

10. Cek = cheque

11. Tanah = land

12. Simpanan deposito = time deposit

13. Kwitansi = receipt

14. Cek perjalanan = travelers cheque

15. Bank sentral = bank central

16. Kartu kredit = credit card

17. Kartu debet = debit card

18. Inkaso = collection

19. Penjamin = guarantor

20. Pedagang efek = dealer

· Kata kerja (verbs)

1. Menyimpan = keep

2. Membatalkan = cancel

3. Mengeluh = complain

4. Meminjam = borrow

5. Membayar = pay

6. Menyewakan = rent

7. Pelayananan = service

8. Mengambil = take

9. Berkunjung = visit

10. Menawarkan = offer

11. Menunggu = wait

12. Menerima = accept

13. Mendorong = puss

14. Menarik = pull

15. Menukarkan = change

16. Meminjamkan = lending

17. Mengivestasikan = invest

18. Menawarkan = tender

19. Menabung = save

20. Membiayai = defray